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Overflowing Grace

Overflowing Grace is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:

  • Periwinkle representing favor
  • Jasper green representing grace 
  • Purple representing abundance 
  • White representing mercy 

When you extend grace to yourself and toward others, you will have growth in your life. You will begin to grow. Grace is at the heart of the matter. All things flow out of grace. Be persistent to allow grace to freely flow through your speech, your actions and your thoughts.

Giving grace, even when it is not deserved when someone mistreats you, is a sign of personal growth. The more you give out grace it begins to multiply becoming a never ending supply. Think of it as a seed planted, which is watered and tended with much care, the seed will grow and produce. Learn to look for ways to grow your grace. Plant seeds that produce good fruit. Then you will flourish, growing in grace.

Some of the words Merriam-Webster uses to define “grace” are “approval, favor, mercy, pardon, reprieve.” Additionally is is defined as “a charming or attractive trait or characteristic, the quality or state of being considerate or thoughtful.” 

As we choose to extend grace, we also become a person of grace. That grace changes our very countenance and the way others see us as well as how we see ourselves. Culturally, too often we glorify traits and actions that actually embitter us and cause us to be hardened and calloused. We cheer on stories of revenge, which play out in oft exciting ways in a two-hour telling, but the reality of such actions tell a starkly different story. Too often we judge others by their actions while insisting we be judged by our intentions. 

Choose a different path. Choose a path of grace – one of unmerited favor. Be a bigger person. People cannot steal from you what you choose to give away. So give grace, and give it liberally. Do it for both yourself and for those who will receive it. You never know when one moment of unmerited favor will radically change someone’s life. Choose to be that catalyst, and live a life of overflowing grace.

NOTE: View/download the printable PDF version of this word of Colorful Encouragement

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