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Rooted in Wisdom

Rooted in Wisdom is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:

  • Grey representing heritage, deep roots 
  • Cloudy blue representing humility 
  • Stonewash blue representing integrity 
  • Silver representing wisdom 

As others have poured into your life by actions and deeds, it has made you want to be a better person. You in turn have a responsibility to be that example to someone else. Let’s face it, there is always opportunity when we have people looking into our lives.  Do we live with daily integrity?  Do our actions reflect love and humility to those we come into contact with? Do we extend a hand to help?  

The people who make the biggest impact are most often those who pour into your life with no agenda. Those who just give of themselves. Those are the kind of people we desire to be around. They are selfless and giving, not selfish or self-serving. They exude a kind of integrity and honor that cannot be bought – it must be lived out daily by wise choices. 

So which path will you choose? It’s never too late to change your direction, if you feel like you’re heading the wrong way. Seek wisdom and integrity. Dig your roots down deep and don’t be afraid to show others the best way. Someone taught you, be the teacher for the next pupil.

You have much to give. Your decisions are not based on yourself alone. You can choose life every day. Your choices of what words or actions you take impact those around you. In the midst of it all, be mindful not to neglect self-care. As you take care of yourself, and value the choices you make, it too will impact those around you. 

You are responsible for much more than you know and you handle it well. You can choose life knowing that you are smart, creative, strong and able to do all that is in front of you. 

Even though you may feel overwhelmed and incapable you have strong roots. You are surrounded by a heritage of people who have chosen life. They have demonstrated it can be done and done with love, honor and integrity. They are there for you. Pull from them their knowledge, their experience, their wisdom, support and love. This is a life giving source. Refuse to cut off that life giving source and instead allow your root system to flourish and watch how you grow.

We hope the art and the colorful encouragement speak to you. Enjoy life and stay in the flow!

NOTE: View/download the printable PDF version of this word of Colorful Encouragement

1 thought on “Rooted in Wisdom

  1. […] Two Inspired Flow Art pieces are overlayed in this image, and a portion of the word of Colorful Encouragement that goes with each is also connected. The first is called “Rooted in Wisdom.” […]

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