Golden Mist is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:
- Light gray representing peaceful presence, humility
- Gray representing steps in faith
- Golden brown representing reward
- Camel representing steadfastness
The items in the gallery show a portion of what has been created – there’s more that isn’t shown here and more is being created as inspiration directs!
Golden Mist is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:
Noble is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:
Giver of Love is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:
Beauty in the Valley is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:
Hidden Treasure is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:
Joyous Sunshine is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:
Broken Beauty is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:
Beautiful Blaze is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:
Murky Waters is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:
Remaining Promises is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are: