Category: Galleries
The items in the gallery show a portion of what has been created – there’s more that isn’t shown here and more is being created as inspiration directs!
Empowered Beauty
Wisdom Within
Elevated Thought
Rooted in Wisdom

Rooted in Wisdom is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:
- Grey representing heritage, deep roots
- Cloudy blue representing humility
- Stonewash blue representing integrity
- Silver representing wisdom
Steadfast Strength

Steadfast Strength is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:
- Grey representing humble
- Cloudy blue representing receptive
- Stonewash blue representing stability
- Black representing dominion, strength
Set the Flavor

Set the Flavor is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:
- Gray representing respect
- Cloudy blue representing truth
- Light gray representing humility
- Black representing foundational
Overflowing Grace

Overflowing Grace is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:
- Periwinkle representing favor
- Jasper green representing grace
- Purple representing abundance
- White representing mercy
Drink Deeply

Drink Deeply is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:
- Light turquoise representing refreshed
- Turquoise green light representing delight
- Marine blue representing sustenance
- Baby blue representing air
Inherent Glory

Inherent Glory is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:
- Snow representing purity
- Light turquoise representing water of life
- Blue representing cultivation
- Purple representing persistence
- Green representing abundant life
- Periwinkle representing irrepressibility