Rooted in Wisdom is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:
- Grey representing heritage, deep roots
- Cloudy blue representing humility
- Stonewash blue representing integrity
- Silver representing wisdom
The items in the gallery show a portion of what has been created – there’s more that isn’t shown here and more is being created as inspiration directs!
Rooted in Wisdom is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:
Steadfast Strength is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:
Set the Flavor is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:
Overflowing Grace is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:
Drink Deeply is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:
Inherent Glory is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:
Embrace Life is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:
Stand in Awe is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:
Fruit of Gratitude is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are:
Blooming Glory is the name of this Inspired Flow Art piece. The colors in it are: